Raymore Recreation Facilities

  • Raymore Arena: 746-2105
    Raymore has a beautiful arena situated east on 1st Avenue.  In 1999, as a community we undertook to rebuild and replace the arena/pool waiting and change rooms.  We have one of the nicest arenas around.  Come check us out as we are the home of our Skating Club, Minor Hockey Club, Raymore Rockets, and are open for use by the school children as part of their recreational activities.  We also offer public skating and stick-and-helmet time for our families around Raymore.  Raymore Arena also has some prime ice-time available for rental for any groups, teams etc. from in town or out of town.  If you would be interested in renting some time from us, please call the Arena 746-2105, the Town Office 746-2100.


  • Raymore Curling Club  Contact: Barb Sentes  746-2944
    Raymore Curling Club is a busy place during the winter months.  We offer evening open curling, in which you can enter as a team or a single and be put on a team.  Also before Christmas we have weekly ‘Super League’ curling.  We host several bonspiels over the winter, come check out the activity!