- Raymore Figure Skating Club Contact: Wendy Saul 306-528-7475
Throughout the winter several of our youngsters enroll in skating lessons. These lessons range from preschool can-skate programs to high school aged children learning various Figure Skating programs. The Skating Club offers boys and girls groups of varying age categories. Many of our skaters take a variety of exams and perform at a variety of skating functions. Their annual Skating Carnival is held in March, highlighting their accomplishments over the year.
- Raymore Minor Hockey Contact: Jennifer MacTavish 306-746-7751
Raymore Minor Hockey offers teams that range from Pre-Novice (6 and under) to Midget (18 & under) age groups. The teams are part of the Last Mountain Minor Hockey League, and are proud of various accomplishments throughout the years. Boys and girls of all ages are involved from Raymore and the surrounding area. Our hockey season runs from November to March, or when playoffs are complete.
- Raymore Minor T- Ball Contact: Joe Filson 306-746-7797
Raymore offers minor t-ball teams for any children aged 6 and up, during the spring months.
- Raymore Minor Soccer Contact: Amanda Leader 306-746-7779
During the spring months, our Raymore Minor Soccer Club becomes alive with activity. Many youngsters, aged 5 through 10 join the various Raymore teams. We are proud to be sponsored by the Raymore Credit Union.