Community Organizations

  • Raymore Pioneer Museum  Contact: Wayne Focht  746-2180
    If you visit Raymore during summer months you have the opportunity to visit our Museum, which is a lovely visit down memory lane.  It may be a small building, but is filled with many many items, too numerous to mention.  It is a wonderful display of artifacts.  Come check us out
  • Raymore Dance Club Contact: Amanda Froats 306-746-7702
    Raymore Dance Club runs September through May, 3 nights per week in our Dance Hall in Raymore.  The club consists of many members, boys and girls, who learn various types of dance routines and steps including ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, musical theatre and lyrical.  They learn and perform solos and group numbers.  Many dancers attend various competitions throughout the year and host their annual Dance Recital at the end of their season, to showcase their talents.
  • Friends Singing Group   Contact: Betty Terschuur  746-4301
    This group of wonderful singers gathers weekly to practice, and enjoy music.  They entertain the public at various functions held throughout the year.
  • Novice Nibs Writers  Contact: Betty Terschuur  746-4301
    Our recreational group of writers meet at our local library weekly to work on and discuss various writing projects of interest to them.  We are very proud to be the home of this group of writers.  Among them we have some published solo writers.  They have also been published as a group.